Well it's that time of the year - time to get started on my many holiday projects, the first thing I've been working hard on that goes over well with my family, friends & co-workers are gift card holders. I came up with a new one that will fit in an envelope I had gotten a ton of for free sometime ago. If you'd like the dimensions let me know & I'd be happy to share. Here they are:
Angel's Landing Cat Image:

Angel's Landing Dog Image:

Wildflower Kid's Sage the elf - the girl didn't download from my camera - I'll share her next time.

Sew Many Cards Penguin from the Winter Bonus Pack:

The inside:

Thanks for stopping by and if you have any questions or "comments" please let me know I'd love to hear from you! Oh, be sure to come back on Friday for this week's
Sew Many Cards Friday Freebie - note you must now sign up to receive Angela's newsletter in order to get the Freebies so be sure to sign up, the sign-up is on the side of my blog ----------------------